Level 4
Level 4 of the test was developed for use with pupils who are approaching the end of 4th Class or who are in the first term in 5th Class.
The test consists of two distinct parts which should be administered on different occasions. The test booklet for Part 1 contains 52 items whereas Part 2 is comprised of 22 word problems. A number of the items in Part 1 have multiple parts so that in total, there are 81 scorable items. Separate scores can be computed for the two parts of the test as well as an overall test score.
There are no time limits for the completion of either part of the test. In most classroom situations, Part 1 can be completed within roughly an hour. Part 2 takes a similar amount of time to administer.
In multigrade classrooms, Level 4 may be administered concurrently with other levels of the test.
All pupils in national schools must be tested on a standardised mathematics test either when they are at the end of 4th Class or at the beginning of 5th Class. This level of the SIGMA-T is designed to facilitate schools in fulfilling this requirement.